Stains in an otherwise pristine pool can be incredibly frustrating. Learn how using a Hayward Bobby water filter can help stop staining and water discoloration before it ever starts.

Filling your pool for the season is always an exciting time of year, but where do those mysterious stains come from? Preventing them might be easier than you think. Learn the benefits of using a Hayward Bobby when you fill or top off your pool.

What Causes Stains or Discoloration in a Pool?

If you live in an area with well water, your pool may be more susceptible to staining or water discoloration. One of the most common causes of these effects is from the presence of metals such as iron and copper in the water. Because well water doesn’t always go through the same rigorous filtration process as water from public utilities, you can unknowingly introduce these elements into your pool as you refill it at the start of the season. Even if you’re not using well water, metals that cause stains and water discoloration can be introduced through corroded copper pipes or rusted metal parts.

What Do Metal Stains Look Like?

If you suspect metals in the water are the source of stains or discoloration in your pool, it’s helpful to know what they look like. Here are some of the most common culprits:

Copper - Pool stains from copper typically appear as a green or blue-green color. This is similar to the color of the patina that forms on copper when it has been exposed to the elements.

Iron - Pool stains from iron are usually a red-brown color, similar to rust.

Manganese - Found in both well water and public utilities, pool stains from manganese emerge as a black-purple or brown-purple color.

To confirm your suspicions, you can always use water test strips that test for specific metal elements.

hayward bobby hose filter

How a Hayward Bobby Water Filter Can Help

If stains are the scourge of your pool, fortunately, there’s an easy solution. When you fill your pool or spa with a hose, screw a Hayward Bobby attachment to the end to remove metals and impurities from the water. This handy tool is made from mono-filament polypropylene -- the same elements as a DE filter -- to help catch small contaminants and metals before they ever enter the pool. Hayward Bobby water filters are also reusable, so you can use them as many times as you need if you top off your pool often.

If you’re wondering which Hayward Bobby is right for your pool, they typically come in two sizes: 10-inch and 20-inch. The 10-inch size is best used for pools up to 20,000 gallons, while the 20-inch can be used for pools up to 40,000 gallons.

Hayward Bobby From Pinch A Penny

The Hayward Bobby pool filter is perfect for start-ups, new pools, and remodels. Using this simple attachment will help keep everything clear and get your water balance off to a great start. Visit your local Pinch A Penny for a Hayward Bobby water filter, as well as other helpful stain treatment products. We have everything you need for your backyard, such as leak detection, pool cleaning and even backyard lighting!

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